Book translations - Portuguese

Bridge of Light Book

Bridge of Light: Tools of Light for Spiritual Transformation
This revised edition of Bridge of Light includes powerful meditations and real-life examples to help you use all challenges and changes for your spiritual transformation. You will build bridges of light to love, courage, trust, wisdom, and joy. You will learn about the three types of crises, how to handle them, and change the past to change your future. The Bridge of Light speaks to your soul, offering step-by-step instructions on how to live under the authority of your own soul and to begin developing your own path of light. Highly recommended for increasing your connection to your soul and to others in your life. More Information

Bridge of Light Guided Meditation Tape Volumes

Other Translations

See local bookstore for purchase.

Healing with light

Healing Youself with Light: How to Connect with the Angelic Healers
Healing Yourself With Light offers a complete method for bringing the healing light of the soul, the Solar angel, and the angelic healers into the physical body. Taught in workshops for the past eight years, these easy-to-learn processes have helped thousands to heal and upgrade the cells in their body. The healing angels will work with whatever healing path or healing treatment you are now using. More Information

Healing with Light Meditation Audio CD Volumes

Other Translations

See local bookstore for purchase.