Path of Light Meditation Program
You may join Path of Light Studies by registering on, and joining us for online Full Moon Spiritual Festival meditations each month. You can also listen to or dowwnload the audio meditations from the Listenlilng Room, watch videos of world mantras, and enjoy new blogs and products. You will find more than 200 audio meditation journeys to download. The purchase price is modest. Some discounts are 75% this spring.
The Path of Light Studies group lives in many countries and works in a variety of academic, business, religious, art, and education fields. Members of this group range widely in age and interests. They create a Bridge of Light to the Soul.
The Bridge of Light: Tools of Light for Spiritual Transformation book
Healing Yourself with Light: How to Connecct with the Angelic Healers
Path of Light Audio Program (PL I, II, III, and IV. Our most advanced meditation program offers four levels of meditation to:
1. Reorient and expand the life purpose,
2. Develop the six qualities needed by all aspirants and disciples,
3. Align with and merge into the light, love and power of the soul,
4. Journeys to extraplanetary energies
The probationary/preparatory level leads to the next stage of the path of infusing the finer light of the soul, its love and power, and gaining cooperation from the emotions and the mind in this cooperative work with the soul. The third stage is to make direct contact with the divine knowledge, divine love, and divine power that the soul reflects. Equally important is to develop the discipline and spiritual will to serve effectively as a group.The purification process continues with each meditation journey.
To summarize, Level 1 begins the formation of group consciousness. The second level of the Path, Opening New Channels, focuses on a life centered in the Soul. The group develops mental telepathy and becomes responsive to the group energy once the construction of the bridge of light to the soul is begun. Becoming conscious of higher intuition often follows. Becoming consciously receptive to the wisdom and power of the soul inevitably develops with practice.
Level 1, Meditation with the Master;
Level 2, Opening New Channels;
Level 3, Bridge to Intuition, steps to the Divine Self;,
Level 4, Sirius, Shamballa and the Spiritual Sun
The purpose of this program is to develop sensitivity and responsiveness to divine energies while expanding the capacity to love and serve. Focusing upon the light within others brings joy and a sense of family. Along the spiritual path the dedication to the Plan (of God) becomes strong. Members say that it takes several repetitions to realize the deeper meaning beyond the words and to establish the habit of living within the Joy of the Soul and the Power and Love of the Master.
We are serious students of the Wisdom Teachings filled with a sense a joyous expansion. A sense of humor, an inner smile, and delight prevail in our seminars, We meditate for one another, friends, family, and humanity. We use joy as a major healing force.
How often to listen: Meditate with the sessions in each level for six months to fully absorb and integrate the the spiritual qualities taught that build the streams of light needed for the next level of meditation. Path of Light I was created to learn from each meditation for a month and then moving to the next one. Profound reorientations and shifts into greater light and love, plus meeting the divine will of the soul and responding to it, were reported by the group.
Path of Light 1, 2, 3, 4: After meditating with each spiritual journey, select the sessions that stand out for you. Remember that it is through repetition that spiritual energy infuses the mind and emotions and body. But to penetrate and part the veils between the personality and soul requires many repetitions of practice. The energies on the higher planes are stimulating, as if one is awakening from a deep sleep and realizing one's true identity as an embodiment of Divine Love.
Learning to consciously infuse the personality with spiritual energies is an ongoing process of a set intention. When the purpose is to help others a channel of light is built that reaches your Master. It evokes new levels of understanding, love, peace and joy. As you develop the link between the soul, mind, and brain, and learn the right use of time and energy your work for the world becomes trully useful for the great Plan of Light, Love, and Power.
When one third of humanity (perhaps even less) links head and heart with the soul and the divine Self, the quality of loving understanding brings light to many others.
Join us every Sunday morning in meditation at 9:30 am local time, All men and women of good will are invited to add their light and love to the New Group of World Servers who have come from every major religion, or from another philosophical understanding to work for freedom and joy for every human soul.