Listening Room - Meditation Journeys

Check below for free audio meditations and the Great Invocation in song. Click on the arrow to listen, or on the title to download. We selected journeys from a variety of courses in Path of Light Studies. You can also purchase and listen to many more meditations by LaUna, via download. Check Products on Path of Light.

You may also watch brief videos by LaUna on healing and world mantras here.

A Journey to Light, Love, and Power

Experiment with litening to this meditation journey the first thing in the mornings, and when you are in bed at night. It is a favorite and I want you to have it as my gift to you. Feel free to share it with friends and coworkers.
Each Saturday afternoon we have a meditation meeting in Dallas for those who enjoy the Path of Light audio meditations. Everyone participates by reading aloud from one of my books (Connecting with All the People in Your Life, Bridge of Light: Tools of Light for Spiritual Transformation, Healing Yourself with Light. (The last two books are now available in Kindle Format from Amazon.)

Have you considered inviting a few friends over for meditation? It only takes 3 people to make a group.It is amazing how the higher frequencies of light and love expand when this kind of group meets regularly.

We have also discovered the healing capacity of this group takes only 3 minutes of meditation when each one is connected with the soul. One group member had severe back pain last week, and experienced almost immediate healing on the mental, emotional,and physical levels.

Group consciousness is much more powerful than an individual meditating alone. Seek to link as a soul with all who seek to aid the Great Ones! Let us know if you need healing and we will imagine you here with us and surround you with healing light.

My next book is about connecting with the Divine Self which is divine light, divine love, and divine power! --- which is beyond the soul! This Self of the greatest light is within each of us. But we have to construct our spiritual bridge from our personality to the Divine Self to find it. The soul is the half-way point!

Merging with Your Solar Angel

Listening to the Mind of God and then to Merging with Your Solar Angel is very effective The meditations help align your mind and soul to prevail over your emotions and physical distractions. They enable you to clear all the colors within you which you are radiating out to others ss you go through each day. Try listening for 9 evenings as you go to bed and then note the sense of a door opening that has been closed, which allows greater light and love to infuse your life.

The Mind of God

Listen first to the Mind of God and second to Merging with Your Solar Angel each evening for 9 days, and then observe positive shifts in your sleep and dreams. From the Transforming Your Mind series of Merging with Solar Light.

Five Spiritual Qualities

Building and strengthening five spiritual qualities that take you to the higher intuitive frequencies. We ask your help in sending greater light and peace to humanity during these tumultuous times all over the world. Using these five qualities you can link with all who are serving in this way to help create a peaceful civilization. To get the whole course on Bridge to Intuition Path of Light III click here.

The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation is being sounded today in more than 80 languages in virtually every metropolitan city and village in the world. Using this invocation daily, indivudually or in groups, lifts others and also awakens the higher light within those who use it. To create a Triangle with two others, and project even greater light and love to humanity, check our Path of Light Study Group's

The Power of a Spiritual Group

A triangle of light can create a spiritual group. When your triangle is linked with the global network of Triangles of Light( you are connected with thousands of interlaced triangles workers over the world.
We invite you to create a Triangle of Light. Register online and light up your Triangle each day as you say the Great Invocation. Remember to speak the names of your Triangles members as you begin.
Everyone is welcome to join is willing to spend a few minutes each day invoking light and love and power for humanity with this invocation You may create as many triangles as you wish.

Excerpt-Creating Your Temple of Light

Your Temple of Light is found high on the mountain of spiritual substance. You will build visualization skills as you explore your sacred place for meditation and build your bridge of light to the soul. Becoming sensitive to a higher will. Realize an energy of great minds assisting you to find the way, to clear your path to find a beautiful structure made of the substance that your soul has sent forth. The light within is bright, as if emanating from within the temple walls. It will match the divinity of your soul. This meditation is in the Temple of Light audio CD set.