Aries Spiritual Festival Meditation -- Full Moon, April 15, 2014
Aries Spiritual Festival
3:43am* Eastern US | 2:43am* Central | 1:43am* Mountain | 12:43am* Pacific | 7:43am Pacific |
Keynote We leave the Father's house, and turning back we serve.
When possible, spend the five day period around the full moon to invoke light, love, and higher purpose to flow through you and out to others. The moon is full at precisely the same moment all over the world. When we link together in meditation exactly at the full moon, we offer a simultaneous invocation to draw in these solar energies and make a greater contribution in distributing the illumination of Pisces to humanity.
Quiet your mind, breathing deeper and slower breaths. Imagine yourself part of a group of souls receiving energy and inspsiration from the Shining Teachers. Send this light to the souls of humanity. Silently sound the sacred word of OM three times in the awareness that you are first of all a soul working through your mind and body.
See yourself with your group creating a path of light together, spinning the path out to all directions as a spider spins its web. Visualize thousands of souls linked (like a string of lustrous pearls) to invoke help for humanity. Vividly magine your brothers and sisters in the human race receiving divine inspiration and illumination. See them feeling their connection to the soul and to the Higher Self.
In this silence, imagine that you are a visitor to this planet, and gazing on the human race to get a clear sense of its spiritual needs. Observe nations and their relationships, people and their relationships, organizations for health, finance, politics, education, psychology, science, and religion. Imagine how you might be able to use spiritual forces to contribute to one of these groups.
Link up with people of goodwill everywhere, creating a united group channel through which the spiritual forces can become available. Affirming this channel, "We stand poised united as one soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.
Now we visualize a grid of light all over the earth that connects the light of every world server/lightworker and each sacred energy vortex. This network serves as a conduit through which the heavenly blessings may flow through each of us and to the planet Earth.
When we have achieved this alignment, we become still and receptive ...
We rise as one, to meet the Light. The gateway that is Aries swings open wide before us, and we pass through. The Light from this potent constellation pours over and into us.
Filled with this Light, we begin the journey that is our Spiritual year. We now prepare to experience the first of the 3 Great Spiritual Festivals ~ Easter ~ The Festival of the Risen One.
The Aries Festival light enlivens us with the Will of Deity. It brings the fire of purification, eliminating all that no longer serves the Divine Purpose and Plan. In this we are experiencing, in ever greater ways, the Cosmic Fire of Spirit.
Now freed, we experience a Divine inner unfoldment and are filled with the urge to create anew. We ponder what this great inner unfoldment portends, and what it is that we will together create.
Just as Spirit brought the Soul to our form and lifted it up, we see the group Soul as the vehicle by which we are being raised to yet a higher plane of Spirit.
Spirit now lifts the Soul to monadic consciousness. This is the way of our liberation ~ the Cosmic Path of Life Itself.
Our path leads ever upward, Humanity is becoming Hierarchy. As Divine Light shines upon us, the doorway to Shamballa opens wider. We see the Divine spark in all, and our new, clear vision illumines our essential and enduring Unity.
In this high space, amidst these potent energies, we know we are more than Light. As we become one with the Life, we know Divinity is our destiny. The Cosmic Path before us is our way there.
As our journey continues, we are filled with a new sense of Divine direction and purpose. It's up to us to reveal and to manifest our service in the year to come. We become still, and so, we Know. (
As you say the Great Invocation, distribute the light of this vast group out to five key planetary centers---New York, London, Tokyo, Geneva, and Darjeeling.
(Visualize humanity looking upward to grasp the purpose of human life. See rivers of love with brilliant rays of laser light fulfilling the Plan for humanity and sealing the door of darkness so they can see the light and move forward into evolution.)
One minute video of the Great Invocation
The Great Invocation (Original Version)
From the point of light within the mind of God,
let light stream forth into minds of me,
let light descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the heart of God,
Let love stream forth into the the hearts of men
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the will of God is known,
let purpose guide the little wills of men,
the purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men
let the Plan of Love and of Light work out,
and may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Meditation helps to infuse the mind and emotions, thoughts and feelings with the light of the soul. Recognition and right actions link each aspiring spiritual worker with all the new world servers. One expresses the connecting impersonal love streaming into him from spiritual dimensions through thoughts, speech, and actions.
Humanity is literally one family; each person has a spark of divinity within. Learn to see this truth in the light of spirit, and help ignite this spark in others. The Wisdom Teachings describe the Solar Angels as coming into the human kingdom to uplift. Yet, in taking on material form, they entered into a state of captivity. As evolution proceeds, we become aware of this sacrificial act of service and gradually become a human server capable of redeeming others.
The Path builds a fusion of the personality and soul. The dual symbol of the two fish in Pisces represents this dual life --- each fish swimming in opposite directions. As we hold our personality under the light of the soul, it will resist such light and try to "swim" away to feel safer inside a rock. It is this resistance of the personality that causes suffering, but as we bring our mind and emotions and brain/body under the control of the soul, we gain a new power to serve and to be truly effective in our part of the work for humanity.
At each stage of the path, the soul helps release another self-made prison that has separated from one's true home. In time the personality is completely transformed.
"Turning back to serve" is a scientific method of releasing the personality from its prisons. It is the best possible method of transforming the personality and bringing it into alignment with the soul. When the mind is infused with soul light, it recognizes the needs of others and finds ways to meet these needs.Cooperation with other serving groups and Goodwill prevail at all times.
What to Watch for as Aries Energies Stream Through the Sun
Once the soul's aid is invoked, the personality pulls away from its long bondage to material values The soul sees and guides the way to freedom. At a more evolved stage,one sees all loss in the material world as a release from the imprisoning dependence that separated him from the divine Self. And from expressing the divine love, divine light, and divine will of the soul and spirit.
Resist making the past more important than the present moment. Cross over your Bridge of Light to the soul and divine Self. Learn to ignore the temptations to stir up unconscious fear. The petals in the heart center open, the crown center presents a larger vision, and the throat center of higher creativity is vitalized. New visions and possibilities are seen and right action is taken.