Connecting Heart to Heart Online Course

Connecting Heart to Heart Online Course Registration
Path of Light Studies
Sunday May 20 - May 27 - June 3 - June 10
The new Connecting Heart to Heart course is open to all. We welcome everyone to this course who is interested in deepening and enriching your relationships in life. The sessions are on audio so that you can listen online at your convenience as often each week as you choose.
If you are interested in participating in this course, go here for registration:
Remember, no registration fee, only your agreement to share your stories of heart-to-heart connecting.
The only prerequisite is Bridge of Light 1 and 2. If you don't have it, enter ONLINEPARTICIPANTS as you order it for 50% discount.
Our purpose is to brighten the heart center so that you can create happier, more harmonious and energizing connections. Heart connecting is fun; it brings in the joy that is hovering overhead.
Real connections happen every time we bring the soul into the atmosphere of a relationship. You may think others would run if they realized your intention to invoke the energy of the heart merged with the soul. Actually, the calm, harmonious, and joyful effect of this energy creates a much richer connection. Once infused with the love of the soul, it is natural to reach out to others and keep the energy circulating from one to another, one group to other groups. Circulating this powerful energy is a gift that lifts, heals, and inspires. Few words (if any) need be spoken.
We begin by making the decison to open new territory in our relationshps and moving beyond the boundaries that we have set as familiar and comfortable. Since birth each of us has opened a great deal of territory by meeting and connecting with others. By this time in our lives, we have developed familiar patterns in the way we relate to others. Much of what we say and do seems so natural that we don't notice the lines we have drawn between ourselves and others. Yet in every relationship, whether we are aware of it or not, we establish set (and limiting) boundaries through the way we speak and act. [read more]
Through healing separations by connecting heart and soul, we build a harmonious and joyful link with friends, co-workers, and family. Real connections happen each time we give permission for the love of the soul, and the love of the divine Self to prevail over our mind, heart, and words in a relationship. This essential substance which every true connection requires, reveals the hidden beauty and healing power of each one. (read more)
One or more of these methods below will be included each week.
1.       Beyond Present Boundaries: Opening New Territory
2.       Beyond Practicality: Daring to Invent
3.       Beyond Expectation: Accepting Surprises
4.       Beyond Self-Discipline: Savoring Spontaneous Moments
5.       Beyond Fixed Positions: Increasing Flexibility
6.       Beyond Forgiveness: Reinterpreting and Releasing the Past
7.       Beyond Compromise: Expanding the Range of Choices
8.       Beyond Present Possibilities: Exploring a Larger You