Path of Light Newsletter

Greetings From Path of Light

We are writing to you with an exciting announcement. We have added many new programs to our main Path of Light site to support your spiritual life.

Warm Greetings to Triangles and Path of Light Spiritual CoWorkers

Warm Greetings to Triangles and Path of Light Spiritual coworkers,

You are receiving this letter as a member of Path of Light Studies ( or Triangles of Light ( 

Three important spiritual cycles of the year are approaching. The first cycle is called Easter, the celebration of the risen living Christ, celebrated the first Sunday after the full moon of Aries each year.  

The Joy of Greater Light and Love

Greetings to All of you working in the Light of Spirit,

You are receiving this update because you have attended our seminars or ordered books or downloaded our audio meditations at             

A profound sense of joy fills my heart as I link with each of you.  As awakened souls we stand together with the strength that dispels illusions.

Just think about the quality of Joy! What exactly is Joy? What does it feel like? How does it affect our lives?

Your Spiritual Path

Path of Light and Healing Yourself with Light

We have hundreds of audio meditations and journeys remastered and ready for download to your computer, iPod, or mobile device. Downloads are instantly yours to enjoy.


Greetings to our Coworkers

You are receiving this email because you are registered in one of our groups

Greetings to our Coworkers from the Path of Light group and Triangles of Light group.

I am writing to tell you about the approaching spiritual opportunity April 21/22. This is the Wesak festival, the second of three spring spiritual festivals with worldwide participation.

When Joy Streams In!

Work, not for joy but towards it; not for reward, but from the inner need to help; not for gratitude, but from the urge that comes from having seen the vision and realisation of the part you have to play in bringing that vision down to earth.

As we respond to the love of the heart and soul, we bring our purpose down to earth, in written words, in speech, art, or music. It is at this point that joy streams into our whole being. This joy is reflected in our voice, our thoughts and our poised mind. 

Heal Yourself Now

We at want to make is easier than ever to heal yourself and enjoy the divine power of your soul.

Through March - 50% to 70% discounts on our finest healing meditation journeys.

Connecting Heart to Heart Online Course

Connecting Heart to Heart Online Course Registration
Path of Light Studies
Sunday May 20 - May 27 - June 3 - June 10
The new Connecting Heart to Heart course is open to all. We welcome everyone to this course who is interested in deepening and enriching your relationships in life.

When Joy Streams In

Let Joy Stream In!

Work, not for joy but towards it; not for reward, but from the inner need to help; not for gratitude, but from the urge that comes from having seen the vision and realisation of the part you have to play in bringing that vision down to earth.

As we respond to the love of the heart and soul, we bring our purpose down to earth, in written words, in speech, art, or music. It is at this point that joy streams into our whole being. This joy is reflected in our voice, our thoughts and our poised mind. 

Spiritual Power Brings Freedom

Special Sales listed below.

The Spiritual Festival of Gemini May 21, 2:14 pm PDT, 9:14 PM GMT

Dear Path of Light and Triangles Coworkers,

We invite you to join tomorrow, Saturday, to participate in the Spiritual Festival of the Christ. This is the third and last of the three spring festivals when the doors to the Hierarchy of Masters are wide open for linking more closely with your Master and with the Christ. The peak moment of spiritual energy is 2:14 PDT (9:14 GMT) The ideal is to keep saying the Great Invocation throughout the next three days to add to the intensity of the light reaching humanity.

Eliminating Glamours - Online Course Begins May 4

Eliminate Six Major Glamours; Open To Greater Light 

All of you who are on a spiritual path are invited to participate in our free online audio course (six weeks) to weaken and eliminate glamours beginning Thursday, May 4. 

When the Soul Prevails

We have lived so long with the personality running our lives  that to allow the soul to prevail -- and bring deep joy, beauty, and love into our life -- that we may have to give permission for the soul to prevail every hour! Otherwise we automatically respond or react to situations, especially challenging ones, from our habitual ways.

To Live in the Joy of the Divine Self

The Joy of the Divine Self

This joy gives you strength. It stands underneath all else. Even when you do not directly experience the joy of the divine Self, that channel of strength is holding you near the One Great Light, the One Great Life. By connecting directly with the divine Self you can know yourself to be composed of the essence of JOY.

The boundaries that you build by your thoughts, which  create forms that restrict y our divine awareness, and be filled with joy, to live in joy, and to send it out to others.

Eliminating Gllamours - Online Course Begins May 4

Eliminate Six Major Glamours; Open To Greater Light 

All of you who are on a spiritual path are invited to participate in our free online audio course (six weeks) to weaken and eliminate glamours beginning Thursday, May 4. 

Golden Opportunities Circling Overhead

Golden Opportunities Circling Overhead

Copy the opportunities you would most like to bring into your life this year, 2012. Choose the single most important one to build and express this year. Ask yourself how this quality might affect your life. How would it affect your relationships?

Eliminating Glamours -- One by One

The Path of Light group invites those of you who are on a spiritual path to begin eliminating six major glamours, those emotionallly charged illusions that block out spiritual light and love.

Celebrating the Spiritual Festival of Wesak

Dear Friends and Coworkers in the Light,

I want to invite your participation in the Wesak Festival, the highlight of the spiritual year; this powerful Festival is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10.  The Buddha returns at great sacrifice to send blessings to humanity. He will convey the message of wisdom, light and love to humanity—coming from the very Heart of Deity Itself. Year after year He returns. For a brief minute He reminds us that God exists and ever loves; that the heart of the universe is unalterable compassion, and that humanity is not alone.

Heal Yourself Now

Heal yourself with light and explore the path of light --- with audio journeys, videos, colors, and healing book.

We want to make it easier than ever to use the divine power of the soul to heal yourself.

Your Soul's Vision for You

Warm Greetings to All of You,

Let's begin meditating together. Group meditation is far more effective than individuall meditation. I will place a meditation journey online for those of you who register to participate. The group will have the group names to focus on as they begin meditating. The ideal time to listen is just before you go to bed for the night. This way the soul connection may hold through the night as you sleep. Some mornings you will awaken and remember an idea or insight from the group soul.

Living in the Light of Your Soul

Dear Path of Light Friends and Coworkers,

We have just posted three audio meditations on Connecting with your Soul. You can listen to them with one click.

If you want the other five meditations in the Bridge of Light audio course, you can find them here.  These downloads are 50% off as of today.

Check Your Will to be Healed

Members of Triangles of Light and those who are meditating with Path of Light groups are developing the capacity to heal. When the mind, emotions, and brain are aligned with the light and love of the soul, healing energies stream into the group and out to others. Check your will to heal with this brief video.

Five Spiritual Qualities

Dear Friends and Coworkers,

I am writing to ask your help in sending greater light to humanity..As we connect in the higher dimension of spiritual intuition, ideas come to mind that call for creating ways to present them. Let's use our soul connection to lift others and free them from the mass fears and anxiety streaming through the atmosphere at this time.

The following brief meditation helps to build the five spiritual qualities so needed at this critical time.

Let Light and Love and Power Restore the Plan on Earth

Warm greetings to friends and coworkers in the Path of Light group. I am writing to those of you who are on our current mailing list.

I am writing to let you know that we have just published two of my books on Amazon in paperback in Ebook/Kindle format.  Both of these books were published in 9 languages.

Connecting with Your Soul Group

Connecting Heart to Heart - Create the Connections that Enrich and Inspire

A free online course with LaUna

Four online Sunday sessions - May 20, May 27, June 3, June 10.

Joining the Group Meditation

A Path of Light Group Meditation

Greetings to you who have joined mailing list. Tomrrow, Monday, we will begin as a spiritual group to invoke light and love for humanity with the Leo meditation. The full moon of Leo is Thursday, August 18 at 5:26 am EDT.  Leo offers a great opportunity to add light, joy, and peace to the world. Meditating each day through August 20, our group can increase the light reaching humanity.

On Your Bridge to Light, Love, and Power


Greetings and Blessings to All of You on your Path of Light,

I have a special gift for you. It is an audio meditation called The Bridge to Light, Love, and Power. It is listed with other single audio journeys as a download, and I have placed it in our Listening Room for you to download free. It will stay there for three weeks. Then it will be moved to the download journeys at the regular cost. Feel free to share its free location with friends. Just tell them that this is my gift to them too.


Path of Light Seminar and Triangles Announcements

 Mental Telepathy and Spiritual Telepathy

The Power of Linking with your Spiritual Group

Greetings to All the Path of Light and Triangles of Light Group Members

This morning we placed two powerful meditations online for you from Merging with Solar Light: Transforming Your Mind. Listen first to the Mind of God and then to Merging with Your Solar Angel.

Each time you walk across your bridge to your Temple of Light and step inside, the light is brighter; the colors are clearer. Remember to connect with your spiritual group when you enter your Temple of Light.

You As A Center of Light and Love and Power

To our Path of Light friends and coworkers,

Below is a favorite audio meditation, Living in Light, Love and Power, for you to enjoy. Try listening each morning or night for several days. Feel free to share it with friends. It is the first meditation in our Listening Room. 

(The first medtation in the Listeneing Room)

The Illusions of an Unreal World

"Acting Out" the Illusions of an Unreal World   Jul 21, 2012

We have seen the latest tragedy inflicted upon the innocent in Colorado. And we all suf

A Special Group Meditation

An Important Message to the Path of Light Group,

Please join us in meditation for the next four days to bring forth greater light, love, understanding, and goodwill to the world of humanity. The door to the Masters is open while the moon is out of the way of the sun.  The Virgo full moon is tomorrrow.

Virgo Full Moon: Friday, September 16: 12:07 pm PDT, 3:07 PM EDT, 7:07 pm GMT

Our Path of Light Group Meditation:


Peace and Joy -- The Gift of Your Soul

Reaching Greater Light

Many times you work diligently in meditation, link with you group soul, and clear your astral/emotional body of dark and dense energies. And you succeed in building a bridge of light that links you consciously with the soul. The impact of soul energy tapping into personality energy can feel like being caught in an earthquake. Yet for those who persist in meditation, the two conflicting ways of life are accepted as a duality between spirit and matter.

The Healing Love of Your Higher Self

Creating Great Connections

Spring is the time to send the love of your higher self to everyone you know, The trut

What is the WILL TO LOVE?

Dear Friends and Coworkers on the Path of Light,

The following thoughts are an excellent reminder of the work of those who are working on (or towards) the Path of Light. If you have moments of feeling critical, and know that criticism of all kinds creates karmic debts, and you seek to develop the loving understanding needed today. If you read it carefully, you will gain greater understanding of the next step to fulfill your life purpose in the one work for humanity.

Life with Spiritual Vision and Power

Path of Light Seminar/Workshop

Your Life with Spiritual Vision and Power

Facilitated by LaUna Huffines

May 10-12, 201   Plaza Inn and Suites, Ashland Oregon


Establish a balance between your spiritual Self and personality self.

Eliminate days of feeling s

Meet Your Divine Self

BRIDGE TO THE DIVINE SELF LaUna Huffines A Few Introductory Remarks Each one who learns to link with the energy of the divine Self becomes a force for greater wholeness, excellence, beauty, and compassion in the world. The divine Self is the hidden essence of being, the voice of the source of life. This energy has three points of light -- divine intelligence/light, divine love, and divine will. You will learn about the rewards and the dangers of the spiritual process of linking with the divine self in this book.

Great Gifts for Path of Light and Triangles of Light students and co-workers

Dear Triangles of Light and Path of Light Friends,

We want to share some wonderful news with you.This summer we are offering two online free courses with audio meditations, and a special full moon meditation, a redesigned Triangles of Light site so that you can create all the Triangles you wish, and an opportunity to get a phone session with Jean St.Martin, our experienced and highly effective consultant/counselor. 

Invite friends and co-workers on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin. These are open group events.

Your Joy and Your Purpose

Greetings to Coworkers in the Light of Spirit from the Path of Light Group,.

You are receiving this update because you have attended our seminars, ordered books or downloaded our audio meditations on    

Thank you you for your spiritual work. Humanity has never been in such great need. Every day as you meditate you lifting all those in your group and many others. They are encouraged.

Path of Light and Triangles of Light

 'Triangles of Light' and Path of Light Studies are intensifying the finer light spreading over the world. We are one unit in this major spiritual work in Triangles for humanity among many units of Triangles. In alone fifty countries are represented.

Your Joy and Your Purpose

Greetings to Coworkers in the Light of Spirit from the Path of Light Group,.

You are receiving this update because you have attended our seminars, ordered books or downloaded audio meditations on

Thank you you for your spiritual work. Humanity is in great need. Each time you link with the light and the love of your soul, you lift and aid many people, far more than you may imagine.

Sunday, March 12, spiritual energies are at their peak. The moon will be out of the way of the sun at  9:54 am EDT. (The U.S.