The Illusions of an Unreal World
"Acting Out" the Illusions of an Unreal World Jul 21, 2012
Mental and Spiritual Telepathy
Our Path of Light seminar on higher telepathy -- from mind to mind and from soul to soul -- will be held in Ashland Oregon at the Plaza Inn. The date is Saturday-Monday, October 27-29. We all can become truly useful for manifesting some part of the Plan for humanity after we develop receptivity to the higher frequencies of pure intuition and divine love and divine will. Each of us came into this world to play our part in the great Plan. We discover our part through the higher intuitive frequencies.
We will learn the power of a group to send out and distriute ideas. Those who can sense or imagine the transforming lifting, empowering effect of higher telepathy will learn the step by step process of developing the higher telepathic receptivity. Contact us for questions. ( Registration is online. Couples pay only one registration fee. Meditation journeys will be available after the seminar by advance request.
Transforming Power of the Great Invocation
The Great Invocation invokes the power of the greatest light, the greatest love, and powerful energy of divine will. The Christ and the Masters use this invocation to clear humanity's path to create a world of joy, peace, harmony, and happiness. This invocation is said daily in more than 70 languages.
When it is spoken with the clear intention to serve, others are lifted. A peaceful and beautiful planetary life depends entirely upon the activity of the New Group of World Servers and other groups seeking to aid humanity. [read more]
Full Moon of Leo Meditation - August 1, 2
Hiigher spiritual energies are at their peak two days before the full moon, the day of the full moon,
and two days after the full moon. When possible meditate at the exact time of the full moon.
The door is open for those who seek to bring light to the world.
Leo Full Moon -- August 1st. The Keynote is "I am That, and That I am."
When ordering Path of Light Cds or downloads of our audio meditation journeys, please contact us about any challenges in downloading or ordering. Let us know the areas of world need where you are drawn to distribute light, love, and power.
Requests for new meditations and seminars are welcome. (