Path of Light Seminar and Triangles Announcements
Mental Telepathy and Spiritual Telepathy
October 27-29, 2012 - Plaza Inn, Ashland, Oregon
Learn to Communicate via Mental Telepathy-Mind to Mind and Spiritual Telepathy-Soul to Soul
Mental and spiritual telepathic awareness is a giant step forward on the path of light. This higher awareness reveals divine truth and divine understanding, based upon the illumination of divine love. Invoking and merging the frequencies of the soul and the Divine Self, we will meditate to extend the creative capacity and to activate the true life purpose from a developed heart center that expresses love through thoughts, words, and activities.
Become a true force for healing in the world around you -- family, friends, your spiritual group, and others whom you may never meet on the physical plane.
Description and Registration Here
Triangles of Light Updates
Your activity in Triangles is bringing greater light to the minds of humanity, greater love, and self-directed will and purpose. You are working with thousands of others who clearly realize the power of thought/prayer/meditation to bring greater light and love to humanity and are distributing a finer light every day.
It is important to "light up" your triangle online every day or so. This way your triangles partners see that you are active and working with them as a triangle. At times it is necessary to remove the inactive triangles members who do not light up their triangle -- and make room for active members. Some triangles members have between 1,000 and 10,500 light ups -- within the past 3 years.
If you would like to use the original Great Invocation instead of the alternative version, go to your Triangles registration page using your password and click on Original Version preference. Both versions are powerful and transforming for you and for humanity; both contain great spiritual energies. If you have forgotten how to get into your edit page, contact us and ask to shift to the original version. If you want to receive your partners names and emails again, click on that request below your triangle.
Each triangle is interlaced as the Great Invocation is said in 80 languages. Triangles are composed of aware, awakened souls from virtually every country of the world. They realize this extraordinary opportunity to serve, lift, and aid humanity by invoking divine light, divine love and divine will or power for the world.
Feel free to create or join as many Triangles as you are willing to keep active. Also invite friends and co-workers to create a triangle. Forty-six countries are represented on our unit of Triangles alone, and we are only one unit out of many Triangles units.
Triangles are empowered by the Great Invocation, or other world prayer; they build world goodwill and cooperation between leaders in every field of human living.
A recent Triangle is an example of how widespread Triangles' workers are. The members are from Wailuku, Hawaii, Shanghai China, and Cape Town, West Africa. Member's purpose is "to add light for this planet", "to share light and love," and "to contribute to the greater good, to be enlightened,. and to be part of the greater universe."
During the cycle of each full moon the path from earth to the spiritual sun is clear. Spiritual energies stream directly to humanity. July 3 and the following 3 days are peak days to use the Grat Invocation frequently for greatest effectiveness. See full moon meditation link that follows.
July 3 Full Moon Meditation and Notes
See meditation and notes on the spiritual energies streaming overhead for the next few days. The keynote is "I build a lighted house and therein dwell."