The Power of Linking with your Spiritual Group

Greetings to All the Path of Light and Triangles of Light Group Members

This morning we placed two powerful meditations online for you from Merging with Solar Light: Transforming Your Mind. Listen first to the Mind of God and then to Merging with Your Solar Angel.

Each time you walk across your bridge to your Temple of Light and step inside, the light is brighter; the colors are clearer. Remember to connect with your spiritual group when you enter your Temple of Light. Include those who are meditating in the Temple of Light and in from more than 65 countries. If you are not in a Triangle, consider joining this worldwide spiritual service.

We are souls walking on earth. We are, in a very real sense, built with the divine substance of God. You are a divine being! I am a divine being! Everyone is a divine being at different levels of recognizing and expressing the divine Self! 

As a spiritual group, we have the power to bring in harmony where there is conflict. We have the wisdom to act upon ideas for lifting others. Let's add the note of joy wherever we are.

How blessed we are to be on the Path together! Let's visualize the group in a circle of love and light.

The Mind of God and Merging with Your Solar Angel meditations are available for you here.

With blessings of Love and Light and Joy,

LaUna Huffines and Coworkers
Path of Light, Healing with Light, Triangles of Light