The Spiritual Festival of Gemini May 21, 2:14 pm PDT, 9:14 PM GMT
Dear Path of Light and Triangles Coworkers,
We invite you to join tomorrow, Saturday, to participate in the Spiritual Festival of the Christ. This is the third and last of the three spring festivals when the doors to the Hierarchy of Masters are wide open for linking more closely with your Master and with the Christ. The peak moment of spiritual energy is 2:14 PDT (9:14 GMT) The ideal is to keep saying the Great Invocation throughout the next three days to add to the intensity of the light reaching humanity.
During this spiritual festival the Christ is said to deliver the final sermon of the Buddha and bring greater light to every soul and personality on earth.
Please invite those you know to meditate with you and to send greater light and love to heal and to aid humanity. Each one who meditates can mentally join with other great spiritual groups worldwide. The Great Invocation is being said all over the world in 80 languages to help bring peace and understanding to others, and to all humanity.
Here is the meditation that may be useful for you,
Meditation - Invoking divine light and love and will
1. First, sit in utter silence for five minutes.
2. INVOKE the soul's light and love and will.
3. Sound the sacred word of OM three times.
4. Create a Bridge of Light linking your personality self with your soul self.
5. Think of yourself as a Soul rising up to be with the Creator.
6. Visualize this light infusing your mind and body and soul.
7. Ponder on your life purpose, the reason why you are here on Earth at this time.
8. Imagine divine light and love streaming to each kingdom, the human kingdom, the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms.
9. Visualize shining pearls representing each awakened soul invoking light and love and power for humanity.
10. Imagine all of us (all humanity) receiving the divine inspiration and illumination that dissolves the age-long illusion of separateness -- separateness from God, from the soul, and from other groups and nations.
11. Visualize a growing sense of good will and cooperation within yourself, between nations and between religions.
12. Visualize powerful spiritual energies for good reaching humanity as the Great Invocation is sounded in 80 languages. It is being sounded in every municipality in the world today and for the next three days.
13. As you say the Great Invocation distribute these energies to the five key planetary centers.
If you would like to listen to an excellent meditation for the spiritual festival of Gemini presented today by my colleague, Dr. Michael Robbins, Morya Federation, check here:
In light and love,
Path of Light and Triangles of Light
Launa Huffines
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the Centre where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide the little wills of men—
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the Centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.