Warm Greetings to Triangles and Path of Light Spiritual CoWorkers

Warm Greetings to Triangles and Path of Light Spiritual coworkers,

You are receiving this letter as a member of Path of Light Studies (PathofLight.com) or Triangles of Light (TrianglesofLight.org). 

Three important spiritual cycles of the year are approaching. The first cycle is called Easter, the celebration of the risen living Christ, celebrated the first Sunday after the full moon of Aries each year.  

We hope you can join us and many others over the world during the Aries Festival. Wednesday, March 23 at 8:01 AM EDT by increasing your meditations from March 21 through March 25, or by sounding the Great Invocation with true focus several times each of these days. This way you can project the light for others to gain the loving hearts and clear minds that are so needed today. 

Check here: https://pathoflight.com/solar-festival-aries for the Aries meditation. 

And to listen to or download eight meditations including the audio of the alternate version of the Great Invocation, check here: 


With Love and Blessings on Every Level,

Launa Huffines