When the Soul Prevails

We have lived so long with the personality running our lives  that to allow the soul to prevail -- and bring deep joy, beauty, and love into our life -- that we may have to give permission for the soul to prevail every hour! Otherwise we automatically respond or react to situations, especially challenging ones, from our habitual ways.

Once we have constructed a bridge to the soul from our mind and emotions, we can move into the higher frequency of soul light and look at a situation from its eyes. The difference is usually dramatic! Those things that worry us or bring up fear or discouragement look very different (and harmless) from the energy of the soujl.

We really do live in two different worlds as we expand our awareness -- the "real" world of spirit and the "unreal" world of the personality. Traveling through India earlier this year we were told that as soon as a child is old enough to understand thoughts, his mother or grandmother leans over and  says: "Always remember -- this is not the real world; you will only be here for a short time, and then you will go back home to the real world." 

Hindu children grow up with this knowledge. They understand they must take advantage of every opportunity to learn, to bless,  and to use the knowledge they have to lift and aid others. What a fulfilling joy it is to be met at hotels by everyone on the staff with palms held together and a blessing, a bow, and the softly spoken blessing "Om nama shavaya" -- which means in essence "I greet the God within you." Guests know to return this blessing each time to the one who has sent it.

In the Western world we learn the power of these basic truths by study and experience over a number of years. We gradually awaken to see the essential spiritual realities that are at the core of most world religions. 

By broadcasting as the soul the idea for world religious leaders to cooperate instead of feeling separate from each other, we can send forth the song of the soul -- and visualize this energy bringing peace and joy into the field of all world religions.

Each one who takes a few minutes each day to project this thought into the world minds adds to the power of this one thought to spread throughout our little planet.. Imagine the effect of thousands of souls sending this visual picture into the world around them! Many would respond to this united group energy, each in her or his own way. Joy and peace weakens fear; joy and peace calls forth the wisdom and the love within all beings.

And even though this distribution of joy and peace is for the benefit of others, the sender of this blessing also receives joy and peace beyond all that has been known and experienced before!