On Your Bridge to Light, Love, and Power


Greetings and Blessings to All of You on your Path of Light,

I have a special gift for you. It is an audio meditation called The Bridge to Light, Love, and Power. It is listed with other single audio journeys as a download, and I have placed it in our Listening Room for you to download free. It will stay there for three weeks. Then it will be moved to the download journeys at the regular cost. Feel free to share its free location with friends. Just tell them that this is my gift to them too.


Our group is rising upward on the spiritual ladder that leads to greater light,  love, and higher will or power. Working as a conscious group of awakening/ awakened souls on a similar vibrationn.

It is easy to talk about love and what it would be like to love all that breathes. But to make a difference in your group, and in your part of the world, it is very helpful to invoke the loving energies beyond the personality's desires to help.

Ponder deeply on the three expressions of Love:  Love of the Personality, Love of the Soul, and Love of the Divine Self. Love in the Personality gradually develops through the stages of love of self, pure and simple and entirely selfish, to love of family and friends, to love of other men and women, until it arrives at the stage of love for all humanity. Finally, we begin to see the reality of our "being" and to honor this divine aspect of who we are.

Practice daily; distribute this love to lift family, friends, co-workers, and to humanity. One way to begin is to link each morning with the soul, and infuse your mind, emotions and brain with love streaming from the soul and the divine self. This helps integrate these spiritual energies.

Ponder on compassion for all who suffer to strengthen this love until it becomes a dynamic healing energy of divine love. Ask for the quality of loving understanding. This frequency of love is the spiritual energy of the Universe.

Think of the Hierarchy of Masters as the heart center of God. By concentrating on sending the divine qualities of love, and infusing our minds and emotions with this energy, we serve effectively. We are infused with love, and we can face personal and world challenges with confidence.

"Where the quality of a relationship is characterized by divine Love, there is perfect understanding, and where there is perfect understanding, there is perfect application of knowledge."

Our Path of Light audio journeys help you find and hold the note and color of your soul.
