Your Joy and Your Purpose

Greetings to Coworkers in the Light of Spirit from the Path of Light Group,.

You are receiving this update because you have attended our seminars, ordered books or downloaded our audio meditations on    

Thank you you for your spiritual work. Humanity has never been in such great need. Every day as you meditate you lifting all those in your group and many others. They are encouraged. If they are facing a major decision, they can see the best choice and act from new understanding. 

A profound sense of joy fills my heart as I link with the light of this spiritual group.  As awakened souls we stand together with the strength that destroys illusions and fear. A strong sense of unity replaces any sense of separation.

Happinrdd is the stage of awareness preceding Joy? Ask yourself "what is joy"? What builds this energy into your life?

In 5 days, Sunday, March 12, spiritual energies at their peak. The moon will be out of the way of the sun at exactly 9:54 am EDT. (The U.S.A. goes on daylight savings time the same day.


I want to invite you to consider joining Triangles. if you do not yet have a triangle. On our website, 76 countries are represented and we are just one unit in this world  activity. Imagine the future of our world as triangles of light illumine all the darkness on this planet. Harmony, cooperation, and genuine goodwill can replace the distrust, Creative ideas will be put into forms and shared with all.

Each of us has a part to play in the great Plan for humanity. I have created some audio journeys that may aid you to bring to light your life purpose.


Launa Huffines and Staff.