Your Soul's Vision for You

Warm Greetings to All of You,

Let's begin meditating together. Group meditation is far more effective than individuall meditation. I will place a meditation journey online for those of you who register to participate. The group will have the group names to focus on as they begin meditating. The ideal time to listen is just before you go to bed for the night. This way the soul connection may hold through the night as you sleep. Some mornings you will awaken and remember an idea or insight from the group soul.

We will begin Sunday, July 17. I will select some of my favorite meditations for this group activity. There is no registration fee to participate. The only commitment is to send a brief description of some action you have taken after listening a few times to each meditation. That activity that is to lift or aid others in ways that meet their needs can be simple or more elaborate. What matters is taking action on the outpouring of love in a practical way that encourages others.