The Healing Love of Your Higher Self
Creating Great Connections
Spring is the time to send the love of your higher self to everyone you know, The truth is that you are healing yourself on every level each time you infuse your mind with this higher love and project it to someone you know. Even better is to send this powerful healing to your whole family and other groupsyou belong to. When you reach up to the wisdom of your soul and then reach out to others, the channel of love that you direct circulates around the group. Each member is lifted.
Path of Light Studies -- Wesak Seminar
April 23-25 - Dallas
We are facilitating a three-day meditation/seminar for Wesak when the Buddha and the Christ meet in the Himalayans to send a powerful blessing to humanity. All who meditate for the world are welcome. Seminar location - Wyndham Park Central Hotel, Dallas Texas.
An Extraordinary Sale -- All Cds - while supplies last, also downloads
We have dramaticallly cut the prices on ALL audio jjourneys! You can check them out here. When the Cds are gone, medidtation journeys will still be available on download, but not Cd..
Path of Light 1 - Meditating with Your Master, 12 Cds - 9 hours, 27 downloads same content
Originally $195 now $75. Our most advanced medditation course. Best with Bridge of Light 1 and 2. Learn to link with your spiritual group, attain a finer group consciousness, and contribute new spiritual qualities for the group awareness.
See all the Path of Light Productst - 16 Audio Courses on Creating Your Path of Light - Available on CD and download
Healing with Light courses - Cd and download. - 9 Courses and the Healing Yourseslf with Light book -- now in 9 languages.
Healing with Light I & 2 with 8 sessions each, originally $59.96, now $9.95. These are the meditation journeys that were made to go with the book, Healing Yourself with Light: How to Connect with the Angelic Healers. They are our most popular courses as they take you farther than the book could do.
(Some Cd courses are almost sold out (since the earlier newsletter administrative error which only went to a few of you.) We will send everything you order provided we still have it. You may also select a substitute product or download, and/or a refund for any part of your order that we cannot fulfill.)
Spiritual Festival of Pisces
Meditation for Pisces Spiritual Festival March 27. Meditation and notes on the energies of this full moon.
Please join us in meditation. When possible, spend the five day period around the full moon to invoke light, love, and higher purpose to flow through you and out to others. The moon is full at precisely the same moment all over the world. When we link together in meditation exactly at the full moon, we offer a simultaneous invocation to draw in these solar energies and make a greater contribution in distributing the illumination of Pisces to humanity.