July 2012

"Acting Out" Illusions of an Unreal World

We have all seen and witnessed the misery of acting from our illusions. The impact of destructive forces upon the mind of the young people today is far more powerful than ever before. This power is gained through vivid images and sound through movies, video games and online videos. Added to this the experience of helplessness to stop the evil characters passes on into the everyday life of the viewers as a sense of being without any power to influence he outcome. He lives in a virtual prison emotionally and mentally.

Eliminating Glamours - Transforming Negative Feelings

This blog is from Dwana Kolva, an experienced co-worker with Path of Light Studies; she offers periodic free online courses with audio formulas to weaken and dispel the many glamours that are in our astral body. Email Dwana for more information.


This blog is from Dwana Kolva, an experienced co-worker with Path of Light Studies; she offers periodic free online courses with audio formulas to weaken and dispel the many glamours that are in our astral body. Email Dwana for more information.