Eliminating Glamours - Transforming Negative Feelings


I wanted to share these words from Master D. K. because they resonated deeply with me.  By our commitment to the glamour work, we are answering His call and “applying the truth as we see it in our own life”.  (Launa: Glamours are emotionally based illusions.)

Knowledge when given, must be used, it must be made of practical application in the daily life.  Upon all of you who read these words, as they come fresh from my heart, my mind and lips, rests a duty of doing three things which I give to you in the order of their importance.

1.      "The moulding of your daily lives upon the basis of the imparted truth if it is to you indeed a truth.  It is perhaps to you simply interesting, a fascinating side line of study; perhaps it is something which it pleases you to get because of its novelty, and because it is a little different from the general run of teaching; perhaps it pleases you to get these instructions a little ahead of the rest of humanity.  All of the reactions are of small importance, being those of the personality.  They are perhaps the most probable reactions for the majority.  If there is nothing deeper to your reaction than those I have mentioned, then these teachings are not for you, for the responsibility upon your shoulders is thereby very great; but if you are attempting , no matter in how small a way, to apply the truth as you see it to your own life, then they are for you.

2.      "The building of that structure of thought which will embody this newer teaching.  You can—if you desire—help construct the thought-form of the New Age teaching.  You do this, above all, by your thought, by your practical application of any truth, which you may have understood, to your personal life at any cost; by your sacrifice and your service to your fellow men, and by the constant dissemination of any knowledge which you may possess.

3.     "Distribution of the teaching over a long period of time.  Have you done anything along this line, thus shouldering your responsibility?"

         (Esoteric Psychology II  pages 711-712)