Golden Opportunities Circling Overhead
One or more of these opportunities may be circling over yout head right now. But you have to ask the soul for it. Begin by selecting one of these five qualities which lie beyond the personality.
To permit the soul to prevail,
To let the song of your soul sound forth each day and bring joy and peace to others,
To stand in the beam of light at the peak of a distant mountain,
To become utterly fearless,
To make wise decisions and stand by these decisions.
How would the quality you chose expand your present boundaries? In your thoughts? In your words? In your sense of inner peace and stillness? In your relationships?
These opportunities are priceless. Most of us do not examine our deep beliefs about ourselves or our lives when everything is going well. But when we come to a fork in the road, or when conflicts or crises come, we ask for spiritual help. We yearn for the still mind that creates inner peace and spiritual understanding.
We demand of the soul to see clearly in order to make the right choice. We set up new priorities and open to one of the opportunities. It rarely dawns upon us while we are going through this process that we are being tested by the soul itself as to how much we know and understand. Later our “sight” clears, we make the right choice that takes us forward, and we emerge victorious. The opportunities circling overhead find a place to land -- right in our minds and hearts -- equipped with the spiritual power to take the right action.
We offer two audio courses in recognizing opportunities circling overhead. One is The Lighted Path to Golden Opportunities (two and a half hours, 10 meditations).
The second course that aids you to see your golden opportunities is The Good, the True, and the Beautiful to experience the finer Solar (soul) light and love and realize the beauty of your being.
So much more joy is available for you through spiritual aid! Make the decision to open to these golden opportunities. Then if you need more courage, ask for spiritual courage from the soul! You might begin with Courage for Your Life Purpose, a favorite course for going beyond the restrictions of awareness and right action for new visions and being more effective in the world around you.