Spiritual Power Brings Freedom
Special Sales listed below.
January 2012 - Visualize Liberty Spreading over the Globe
A universal cry is ringing out over the world for freedom, for true participation in the governing process, freedom to travel, to plan a better life! This new note is ringing in the entire atmospehre. How joyful to witness this long awaited mental and spiritual awakening.
Young, well-educated populations, connected to the world through social media, and inspired by the rising visions emerging from access to the rest of the world and the ideas of the modern era, have created the courageous environment to begin great national changes. Who would have predicted that all this would have begun now with such force after years of having no voice, no freedom, no real hope for so many years!
We must respond in meditation deep from heart and soul to send forth spiritual help for their success in winning and stabilizing freedom! This unprecedented freedom requires spiritual help from all who are linked in spirit. By consciously invoking greater light and love for stable democracies in Egypt, Russia, Iran, Bahrain, Tunisia, China, and Libya, we can participate in and strengthen this global awakening.
2012 Capricorn Full Moon – Sunday, January 9
In all meditation it is more effective to meditate during the period from the new moon to the full moon, than from the full moon to the new moon. The first half of the lunar cycle is one of intensification, absorption and accretion; the second half is one of assimilation and distribution.
Wisely utilizing newly acquired energies keeps inflowing and outflowing channels open and prevents emotional, mental and psychical congestions which may otherwise be experienced, with possible accompanying physical consequences.
By means of invocation, prayer and meditation, divine energies can be released and brought into activity. Men and women of goodwill of many faiths and nations can join together in world service, bringing spiritual value and strength to a troubled world. Men and women have the power to affect world events through focused, united invocation. This knowledge when scientifically applied can be one of the great liberating factors within humanity.
Using the Great Invocation is an act of service to humanity. The effect of this Invocation is increased when used with thought and dedication. The disciple realizes a “relationship in thought” with all who use the Great Invocation daily.
Triangles - A World Service Activity'
Path of Light Studies sponsors an international unit of the global network of Triangles -- as a service. You may join Triangles and light up your Triangle online each time you activate it with the Great Invocation or other world prayer for humanity. Invite two friends to join your Triangle or create new triangles for other disciples to join. Triangles global network of light is bringing hope, extended vision, and spiritual power to humanity. The Great Invocation in 80+ languages is not exclusive to any particular religion, sect or group.
In the earlier stages of evolution, ambition for material things is stimulated in Capricorn. Finally, this desire shifts to spiritual ambition and a desire for liberation. This becomes an impelling impulse until the moment arrives when such a powerful sense of reality appears that both earthly and spiritual ambition are superseded by a great light within. At that point the only goal that remains is service.
We have a unique opportunity to act solely from the purpose of the soul.
As spiritual workers (beginners to advanced) if we invoke divine power, and infuse our minds with the loving understanding that creates new levels of health, harmony, and happiness for humanity, we help activate the Plan for true peace -- with light, love, and power streaming into the world.
When you meditate for other spiritual workers and groups, and for all humanity, the unexpected happens -- for you and for them. Ideas appear for accompishing more effective work for the world; new understanding comes to light; joy skates through the mind. Finally the song of the soul is sounded forth. Everyone around you is lifted!In addition, shadows in the personality may suddenly loom large. Unconscious selfish thoughts and acts may also appear, or a sudden recognition of the harm done through criticizing someone, including friends, family, group members and political enemies. Words of criticism always feel justified. But justified or not, the arrows strike and bring pain and injury to their target.
The arrows of criticism penetrate the sender as well, in the weakest part of his physical body. Fear leads to helplessness, then to anger. Anger leads to resentment. Resentment leads to discouragement, and discouragement leads to depression. The soul is not critical; the soul is discerning, clear, and sees the future. There lies the right solution every time.
We can work in groups or individually to live as the soul and to allow it to illumine all areas of the personality. Prejudices, passions, self-centered goals created in the dim light will fade out in the joyful, illumined, wise soul.
Look for Surprises in January as expanded visions bring new possibilities.Ask and then set up the time to sit in utter silence for receiving from spiritual sources.
Stand In the Presence of the Soul
Merging with Solar Light I - Transforming Your Mind
8 meditation journeys
From $49.95 to $29.95 through January 2012
- Learn to see through clear, transparent filters of light.
- Go on journeys to purify your mind with solar light, and merge with your Solar Angel.
- Build the lighted thoughts that transform your mind to form a poised, calm, and serene emotional body.
- Give permission for your cells to respond to these new energy currents.
- Let your thinking mind have greater illumination and inspiration.
- Transform the structure of your thoughts. Increase your natural healing power.
Merging with Solar Light II, Transforming Your Emotions
Love is the ultimate healing force! When your emotions are transformed to hold more light, they raise the light in your cells, strengthen your immune system, and regenerate your body. Build emotions that energize and heal you as well as the people around you. Expand the healing power of your heart center. Bring streams of light to any challenging situation.
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