Heal Yourself Now
Heal yourself with light and explore the path of light --- with audio journeys, videos, colors, and healing book.
We want to make it easier than ever to use the divine power of the soul to heal yourself. 50% to 70% discounts on nine of our finest audio healing meditation courses -- until April 7 -- or while products last.
We have added many new programs to support your spiritual life. You can now purchase, download, or order on CD, most of our audio meditations. These meditations are based upon the teaching of the Master D.K. as given to A.A. Bailey, on the Wisdom teachings, and on The Course on Miracles, as well as mental/spiritual telepathy with my inner spiritual teacher.
Healing With Light I - Discounted from $59.95 to 19.55. Downloads discounted to $12.95
Healing with Light II - Each set discounted from $59.95 to $19.95. Download discount to $12.95
Healing for Self Discovery - 4 Cds, 19 Meditations or Download 17 Meditations
Prerequisite: Healing with Light book or HL1 and 2 CD $89.95 -- Now 39.00 Download $62.95 - Now 29.00
Angelic Healing for Pain - Four meditations were $49.95 now $19.95 CD and $12.00 download
Angelic Healing for Fear - Four meditations to reduce all fear (and much unconscious fear that limits your expansion) Regular price $49.95 CD , now $19.95 and Download educed to $12.00
Angelic Healing for Muscular/Skeletal System - Four deep relaxation meditations to enhance healing. Were $49.95 CD, reduced this month to $19.95 CD and $12.00 for download
Merging with Solar Light I - Transforming Your Mind, Merging with Solar Light II - Transforming Your Emotions, Merging with Solar Light III - Transforming Your Body. Each set reduced from $49.95 CDs. Order these separately CD or download.
These discounts until April 7 -- or while supplies last.
Divine Will is the Key to All Healing
The finest prayer is "Lord, Heal me!" I want to live as "One with all great souls and Masters". Only personality fog can separate us from the life we are meant to enjoy. The healing book and audio guided journeys are created to aid you to heal yourself while standing in the shining beacon of light on the mountain peak.
The Power of the Soul
Pisces Full Moon Meditation March 8
Full Moon Meditation, date, times, and notes so that you can join with the new group of world servers precisely when the doors stand open to the divine sources streaming to the Masters of Wisdom from Spirit and to those sharing a meditative intent for this world. Contact us for Dallas meditation meeting time and address in Preston Hollow.
Golden Opportunities Circling Overhead
One or more of these opportunities may be circling overhead right now. Select one --- Let the song of your soul sound forth each day bringing joy and peace to others, Stand in divine light each morning and evening,Think and speak with divine understanding, Become utterly fearless, or Courageously make wise decisions.
Join TrianglesofLight.org
Join or create a new triangle, and add your note with two other points of light to the Great Invocation or other world prayer to aid humanity. Your light ups make your triangle brighter and brighter, representing the light of your triangle which interlaces with all the triangles in this free world service network.
Visit the Listening Room for a sample of meditations by LaUna
We select a sample of journeys to offer free from a variety of courses in Path of Light Studies. You can also purchase other audio meditations/journeys and download to listen to now.
Learn about Path of Light Studies and Who We Are
LaUna is also the author of "Healing Yourself with Light: How to Connect with the Angelic Healers", now published in nine languages, of "Bridge of Light: Tools of Light for Spiritual Transformation" (Simon & Schuster pub.) and the author of "Connecting with All the People in Your Life" (Harper/Collins pub). Order the latter 2 books from Amazon.com. Jean and LaUna teach annual seminars in Dallas and/or in Ashland Oregon. The date and place for 2012 seminar (in person and online) to be announced soon.
Contact us for questions or comments. We read and respond to all messages.