Peace and Joy -- The Gift of Your Soul
Greetings and Welcome to new Path of Light friends and coworkers
The next 30 days are bringing us great spiritual opportunities. The need to merge the power and light of every individual soul with the one world soul is urgent. All awakened souls can help calm the frenzy of fear circulating like world wildfire. Our meditations and wise action through our thoughts and words and activities can help restore the Plan for peace and joy, through cooperation and goodwill in religions, political parties, world economy, and governments.
The Meaning of the End of the Mayan Calendar: December 21, 2012
The Mayan and Hopi elders were revealing the end of one way of life and the beginning of a new and higher consciousness in humanity. Many people and groups are learning to communicate from mind to mind, and from soul to soul without words, from one continent to another. The spirit of love and understanding are moving into the mainstream. [read more]
Friday, September 21, 2012 - Sound the Great Invocation throughout the day
A Visualization to Bring Peace into the World
"May the song of the Soul be sounded forth by us,
And may its clear, high notes bring peace and joy to others."
Let your voice carry the note of your soul; let your poised mind create a way to manifest some part of the Divine Plan.
Fulfill Your Life Purpose: Higher Telepathy Seminar -
October 27-29 - Ashland Oregon
Learn to clearly receive your soul's messages and guidance. Become receptive to messages without words from your spiritual group and from your Master. Learn how to send a message from mind to mind and from soul to soul. Link telepathically with your groups, family, co-workers, the New Group of World Servers .
Meet others in your soul group. Three days of meditation, discussion, and practice.
Facilitated by LaUna Huffines. Attend in person or participate online from your home.
Note: If you have previously attended or participated remotely in a Path of Light seminar/retreat, please contact us for additional information about this seminar.
Full Moon Meditation -- Libra - Saturday, September 29
Hiigher spiritual energies are at their peak two days before the full moon, the day of the full moon,
and two days after the full moon. When possible meditate at the exact time of the full moon. The door is open for those who seek to bring light to the world.
Keynote: I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.
Contact Us to Share Your Experiences. Group Sharing Inspires and Strengthens
For questions, comments, or suggestions. Share your experiences with the Healing with Light and the Bridge of Light books and audio meditations. We will share your comments (without names) on a new page in - Worldwide Service Opportunity
Join Triangles or create a new triangle. "Triangles" is a world service activity. All Triangles are interlaced with one another. You use the Great Invocation and light up your triangle online each day. The spiritual energy of the Great Invocation sends powerful energies of clight and Love which lift humanity and help bring peace to our world. Today some triangles members have more than 10,000 light ups online. the Great Invocation has been sounded on our unit of Triangles alone, more than 100,000 times during the past 2 years, from 40 countries in one of 80 languages. More than 46 countries are represented in our unit of Triangles.
We invite all who believe in the power of thought to join Triangles and strengthen the group energies invoked by the Great Invocation.You can invite friends and coworkers to join your triangle or to create a new triangle. No fees.